How to copy web project?

Hi team!

I have a Xojo 2024r2 web project which displays 1 container at a time in a web page. I want to make an iOS project of this app.

What are the steps to follow?

I duplicated the binary project file, I renamed objects to Mobile classes, but with the containers, they maintained their web attributes when I change them to mobile containers and all the controls became detached from the layout.
Is there any easier way to do it, a correct order of changing classes? A script to run?

Thanks for any advice!

You will need to create a new iOS project first.

Then copy classes and modules from the web project to the iOS project. UI items such as controls and WebPages can’t be copied to the iOS project.

Create new containers and MobileScreen objects to mimic what you have in the web project.

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Thanks Jeremie!

Thanks for the clarification!

I was hoping I wouldn’t have to do that, way too many controls to make that an enjoyable experience, I may just load the website in a mobile wrapper.

It would be awesome to be able to duplicate projects or at least copy and paste controls, then update the classes to the new platform.