How to avoid blank textarea after scrolling?


I’m having troubles with scrolling down in textareas. It works fine on Mac but not on Windows (10) and Linux (Ubuntu 18.x) . Imagine a textconsole where the user can send a command (textitem) and the result is appended to the textarea. Then (after adding text) I scroll down most bottom. As soon as the text overlaps the vertical size of the textarea very often the textarea stays blank. If I then click on the scrollbar (not even moving it) the text will be displayed. Mouseclick into textarea or resizing the main window does not help.

I have tried these three commands, all did not solve the problem:

[code]MyTextarea.VerticalScrollPosition = MyTextarea.Value.Length

MyTextarea.SelectionStart = MyTextarea.Value.Length

MyTextarea.ScrollPosition = MyTextarea.LineNumAtCharPos(len(MyTextarea.Text))[/code]

Is this not enough? Did I miss anything?

I had some scroll commands in other areas. After disabling those I have now more proper test results about textarea scrolling:

Not Working on Windows, Linux : causing empty looking textarea :

MyTextarea.VerticalScrollPosition = MyTextarea.Value.Length

Not working on Linux: keeps hanging sometimes, not moving to the bottom end :

MyTextarea.SelectionStart = MyTextarea.Value.Length

Not working on Windows (empty looking textarea) and Linux (sometimes, not moving to the bottom end) :

MyTextarea.ScrollPosition = MyTextarea.LineNumAtCharPos(len(MyTextarea.Text))

Conclusion: None of these 3 command work on all 3 OSs, none can make it work on Linux.

it seems this show only the last row at top of the textarea

Function KeyDown(Key As String) Handles KeyDown as Boolean If key = Chr(13) Then TextArea1.Value = TextArea1.Value + TextField1.Value + EndOfLine TextArea1.VerticalScrollPosition = TextArea1.LineNumber(TextArea1.Value.Length) End If End Function

but you can subtract some rows to see more than just one
as example -5

If key = Chr(13) Then TextArea1.Value = TextArea1.Value + TextField1.Value + EndOfLine TextArea1.VerticalScrollPosition = TextArea1.LineNumber(TextArea1.Value.Length) -5 End If

@Markus Rauch Tnx for the input. Sadly I can’t confirm… After scrolling and when the view of textarea disappears I know it was scrolling to the very bottom. This can be proven by just clicking the scrollbar of the textarea (just click on it, don’t move it). All the bottom text of the textarea appears. This seems to be a refreshing problem after scrolling.