Weird… I thought setting the Inspector Behaviour would cause it to set the font, but apparently you need to do it in your subclass Open event… This worked for me…
[code]Sub Open() Handles Open
me.TextFont = “Arial”
If you set properties in Inspector Behavior... they become the default values when the control is added to the design view in the IDE. You can also control (for the most part) which properties are visible to the developer.
Not in this case
What is your preference setting for Preferences > Layout > default control font and size set to ?
That will override everything else
This has been true for many years but maybe there should be a way to turn this behaviour off
It is not terribly difficult to add a menu definition for Open, add a bit of code in the Open event of the custom class to change the font and font size, and raise the event at the end of the custom class Open.