How to access to HTMLViewer.UserAgent ?


I found how to set the HTMLViewer.UserAgent, but what I want is to get it.

Ideas ?

From what I can see, HTMLViewer has no UserAgent default value.

Otherwise, when it has been set, you get it by HTMLViewer.UserAgent as string

Hi Michel,

as far as I can see, Safari (last for 10.8.5) have one. It also can be modified (in the development menu).

BTW: the HTMLViewer.UserAgent page displays a used OS X… that is 10.5.8.

We all know that Xojo does not runs anymore below 10.7.

That was the Sunday joke.

I do not had internet while I was working with USerAgent, yesterday. Now, with Michel answer and SubWay Wifi, I get two entries in wikipedia:

User-Agent (US) and User-Agent more complete because it gives “now to get the user agent” for a lot of development environments (VB6 for example).

[quote=94090:@Emile Schwarz]as far as I can see, Safari (last for 10.8.5) have one. It also can be modified (in the development menu).


Apparently, in Native mode, the HTMLViewer reports the same as the default browser.

I built a WE app and monitored the user agent the HTTPViewer sent : Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3) AppleWebKit/537.75.14 (KHTML, like Gecko)

Now, it would make sense that the default property reported by HTMLViewer.UserAgent be the same. Instead, it is empty. Could be considered a bug, as the LR just says nothing about that incongruity.

HTMLViewer on Mac, Win or Linux? With(out) WebKit?

HTMLViewer.UserAgent is said by the LR to work only on Mac. And I checked on Mac.

Me too.

for Windows, I have in plugin a function:

MsgBox HTMLViewer1.IENavigatorUserAgentMBS

[quote=94117:@Christian Schmitz]for Windows, I have in plugin a function:

MsgBox HTMLViewer1.IENavigatorUserAgentMBS[/quote]

What about WebKit on Windows? The built-in Xojo UserAgent only works on Mac OS X and is ignored in Windows.