How do you use these forums?

Here’s the steps I take:

    1. I check in once a day.
    1. I scan all the new messages down to the “last visit” marker looking at the subforum name on each post to see if there’s anything of interest in forums I don’t regularly read (like this one).
    1. I visit the General forum and scan for interesting posts.
    1. I visit the Getting Started forum to see if there’s any questions I can answer.
    1. ! visit the Targets forum to see if I can learn anything or contribute anything. I develop on a Mac so I’m interested in Mac subforum topics. I develop for iOS so I’m interested in those topics.
    1. I then go on about the rest of my day elsewhere.

I hold down the Command-Key and open every unread page in a new tab. Then I open the final tab, read down (from last visit), then close the window(s) until I read the home page again. I refresh, repeat, then close.


I scroll down to the last visit line and scan the topics to the top. I used to read them all, but not any more. I don’t visit any particular topic because I will encounter any new activity on the new messages view anyway.