How do I play system sounds?

How do I play system sounds?
Folder ~/Library/Sounds is empty.

Funny… Go to → Library
Finder opens the Library folder and indead it is empty.

Search “Sounds”, and one entry (son of Library) displays… sounds (14 items):

The answer is…

One Sounds folder is in the Users:Library folder,
the other is in System:Library folder…

Compare with the above screen shot:

I put this code (from the documentation, except the first line):

Var soundFile As FolderItem = Folderitem.ShowOpenFileDialog("")
If soundFile.Exists Then
    Var tada As Sound = Sound.Open(soundFile)
  Catch error As IOException
    MessageBox("The sound file could not be opened. Error: " + error.Message)
  End Try
End If

Run, then click in the button and choose a sound from HD:System:Library:Sounds/

NB: do not use the “Users:Library:Sounds:” folder… excepted if you place sounds there…

Thanks. I tried this:

Function PlaySound(soundFile As String)
Var f As FolderItem = SpecialFolder.System.Child("Library").Child("Sounds").Child(soundFile)
If f <> Nil And f.Exists Then
    Var s As Sound
    s = s.Open(f)
  Catch error As IOException
    MessageBox("The sound file could not be opened. Error: " + error.Message)
   End Try
End If

What sound system would you use to illustrate a successful operation and a failure/error?

Hi All,

Does this also work for web apps?



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If your web app runs on a Mac OS X server, yes. Otherwise, the path won’t exist.