how close is the delivery date for 2018 r1


what is the delivery date for Xojo 2018r1

i need this one for compile my project with iPhone folder problems when use with windows 10

look good and fast 2018r1

They won’t answer that, not much point asking really. The latest version came out 7 weeks ago so I would guess at around 5 weeks yet for a 3 month release schedule.

Dana will post an announcement about the release of 2018r1 within 24hours of it actually being available

I can answer that “When it is ready and not before” and I don’t even work for Xojo :slight_smile:

… if you’re unlucky it might be before!

thanks to all

And remember that there was only 3 releases in 2017, so each 3 months…

I trust it will be before XDC . (2018 edition . . hopefully :slight_smile: )

Xojo2018 will be release within the next 342 days

The glass ball just told me it’s coming on April 1st

Just joking, but the only one for 2018? :wink:

can build with beta compiler

We don’t recommend it - and 2018r1 is only alpha at this point - not beta.

but i have some customer waiting for fix the iPhone problems to upload picture to the application

At the very least let your customer know that he will be a using a beta of your software.
You shouldn’t have a release based on a not released Xojo (so an alpha or beta xojo) that is not itself either an alpha (we for one never release alpha’s to the outside world unless it is really super urgent to fix a problem) or beta.
Unforeseen problems could occur, and the customer needs to be aware of this.

Never count / wait a release you can be deceived…

The feature can be postponned / incomplete (because of a wrong description or whatever), etc.

At last, you loose your time waiting for some release…

But you are free to do whatever you want !!!

hi any news
at espectec to end of march
yes o no

Do Until Year<2019
// Do : I’m still waiting
Exit if the version = 2018r1
:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

[quote=374055:@Alexis Colon Lugo]hi any news
at espectec to end of march
yes o no[/quote]
Since they never publicly announce release dates beyond (very) broad terms it’s silly to even ask. You are a pre-release tester so you should already know how far along they are in the release cycle. Or maybe you’re just trolling. :slight_smile:

i need the fix to put the projects out to my customer.
i have problems with open the iPhone picture lib and load to my app.