How can I launch a Unix executable file in a window of my Xojo app instead of Terminal?


I have a Unix Executable file that was created using OpenCV in Xcode.

In my Xojo app I am able to use a shell to launch that Unix Executable file.
That executable file is launched in Terminal.

Can I launch that executable file in a window of my Xojo app instead of Terminal?



Probably not… what would that “Window” be? the exe needs an environment, Xojo can’t directly provide one

OK Dave,

Hi Jacob - depending on what your executable does, you may be able to run it in a shell… and get it’s output into a window in your Xojo application. I’ve done this in the past, and it’s worked fine.

Do you need to interact with the external executable? Or does it just run and optionally spit out some output?

Hi Kimball,

It is a video file.


Can you run it in an HTMLViewer?

Hi Tim,

I haven’t tried that… I am not sure how to do that.

This is how I execute the Unix…

In a pushbutton I have…

Timer1.Mode = 1

In Timer1, I have…

Dim s As new Shell
Dim cmd As String
cmd="/Users/len/Desktop/Car\\ Counting"

