How can I find the bug indicated by Xojo?

I kind of like the play button idea. Here is another possibility for direction…

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Really? That’s supposed to fit in a 16x16 space?

Just a general Idea… I know it won’t fit. LOL

more a execution state but it should not look like a button.

Note the color of the Stop button (Red instead of Black) and the Edit Code button.


That was nice.

It should say “looking for bugs”, “targeting bugs”, “killing bugs” instead “here is a bug”.

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Yep. Too small. Maybe some sort of reticle (aim) fits and could transmit with less noise the message.

Then someone will complain that, they already clicked the Run button, why do they need to do it again.

A running rabbit could be an idea. I don’t remember where I saw that (very long time ago) but it was the picture for something running.


Ugh and 16x16 it gets even worse. Just my opinion. No animals, except, maybe, a bug when one arises or properly applied.

Even if the current bug wasn’t red, but green-ish, Gary would not be negatively impacted as he was.

Eclipse uses a green, green-ish one in their UI design.

Red is an usual STOP everything and look here!


Maybe just a switch to indicate running inside xojo…

An icon intended just to be shown and “passing a message” (this tab is in the debug context), should not transmit the false idea of being something to be clicked, and not transmitting the purpose.

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The color is ok, but maybe the icon could be a (red) play button?
I don’t bother this too much since xojo has more to do…

  1. No. Red bug means “broken” not break.
  2. Button? No.

You should transmit a message. Once Xojo have a time, they can read some UI guidelines from other tools or see other IDEs and find something they relate. No need to reinvent.

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And as Beatrix wrote earlier stick the debug tab to the left.

Yes very good. I see what you mean. The icon is just an indicator. Using a run/stop button would require changing the interface.

Just brainstorming … maybe changing the color of the running tab instead of a ‘bug’ icon. That bug icon has gotten me several times as well… I should be used to it by now… but when multi-tasking, it’s quite the distraction.