How can a password be verified as conforming to...


How can a password be verified as conforming to…
The password must:

  1. be at least 8 characters in length
  2. include at least one lowercase letter
  3. include at least one uppercase letter
  4. include at least one number - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
  5. at least one “symbol”, e.g.
    ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { } [ ] \ | : ; " ’ < > , . ? /



I have a class for that. :slight_smile:

Is it a freeware - how can I get it?



I’ll dig it up and post it later.

Thanks Kem.

here is an entire password class/control
allows you to enter or generate a password that meets selectable criteria

Here is my project:

Thanks Kem and Dave.

I have need of this, but the link from Kem doesn’t seem to be working, any ideas?

Its been a while., but did you check mine?

Here it is again.


When I try to unzip it, I just end up with a .cpgz file, is there something that I am missing?

Admittedly I haven’t, but I thought yours was more of a password generator, what I want is a checker to make sure that a user entered password complies with the requirements.

[quote=347406:@Christopher Wade]Kem,

When I try to unzip it, I just end up with a .cpgz file, is there something that I am missing?[/quote]

I don’t know what to say about that, it unzips fine here. Anyone else?

Downloaded and unpacked fine from Dropbox.

Re-packed using a different ZIP tool and mirrored on - see if this helps:

Thank you, that worked and both tools have their merits, I think I am going to integrate both into my code, as I like checking against known passwords as well.

Its basically everything for dealing with password

  • Generator
  • Strength Analyzer
  • Pattern Conformance

[quote=347412:@Dave S]Its basically everything for dealing with password

  • Generator
  • Strength Analyzer
  • Pattern Conformance[/quote]
    Yeah, I see that now, like I said I like elements of both, so I am kind of merging them to make it work for my needs, hope neither of you mind. I am working with something that really does need some decent security on it, so this will be very helpful.

The Guy Who Invented Those Annoying Password Rules Now Regrets Wasting Your Time :wink:

Saw this recently, too, with another downloaded project file. The Archiv Utility included in madOS made a .cpgz file instead of unzipping it. In this case, Unarchiver is the app(lication) working correctly.