Hover over a cell in a weblistbox?

Any suggestions on how to do an effective hover over of a cell in a weblistbox?

I’m thinking that handling the mouseenter might work if I can figure out the cell number from the mouse location, but then it might also really slow down the interface.

If you implement anything in the Listbox subclass all of the processing is done on the server. That could get ugly.

There might be some javascript magic that gets a Tooltip out of the listbox but I’m unaware of what that is.

If you’re just trying to highlight it you can use a CSS :hover attribute. It would affect all table cells though.

That sound promising Tim, but is this a style attribute I set in the IDE?
How do you see this working in code?

[quote=269100:@Bob Keeney]If you implement anything in the Listbox subclass all of the processing is done on the server. That could get ugly.

There might be some javascript magic that gets a Tooltip out of the listbox but I’m unaware of what that is.[/quote]
What about a right click on the cell and it making an invisible control visible?

[quote=269120:@Brian O’Brien]That sound promising Tim, but is this a style attribute I set in the IDE?
How do you see this working in code?[/quote]
You won’t be able to set it in the IDE, you have to know CSS a little to set up the styling.
I have this working (in the Listbox.Shown event):

// Your CSS style goes here.
static sCSS as String = "background:#f0f!important;"

dim sSelector as String = ".listbox #" + me.ControlID + "_content #" + me.ControlID + "_rows #" + me.ControlID + "_userrows tr td:hover"
ExecuteJavaScript("var css = document.createElement('style');css.innerHTML = '" + sSelector + "{" + sCSS + "}';document.documentElement.firstChild.appendChild(css);")

Safari seems to have a weird issue where the highlight won’t show until you’ve clicked on the table, but it works flawlessly in Firefox. Could not tell you why. I can’t tell if it’s a Xojo Framework thing or if Safari is bugging out.

@Tim Parnell
That worked like a charm, but maybe I didn’t express myself well… I should have said tool tip in order for you to understand what I meant. Hover over isn’t the right expression for what I wanted. sorry. Tool Tip is what I wanted.
Still very very useful!

I found this tool tip tutorial here:

But I’m wondering I I’m suppose to set the cell text to:

Hover heresome text here ?

I’m not sure I can put html into a WebListBox cell…