HighSierra Run Fail with Xojo 2017R2.1

Hello guys,

How you select the location of Debug folder in the latest XOJO ? before I remember I set it as Project Folder and always it creates a DebugFile and Build folder there, now I get always errors that it cannot run as the .debug file it exists and I have no idea where that file is .

I get the error [quote]A file system error occurred (#104) for “” AppName.debug “”. If the application already exists, please make sure that it is not currently running; otherwise, please make sure that the destination directory is writable.[/quote]

WHERE Is that directory ?


Already reported: the debug application is not deleted.

Check in the forum the thread to get a work-around.

[quote=356424:@Emile Schwarz]Already reported: the debug application is not deleted.

Check in the forum the thread to get a work-around.[/quote]
Thanks, I will

Sometimes the presence of a compiled application also stops the Build when ready to build the compiled app.

Here are a couple of scripts I have found useful:

(Note: need to be inserted prior to the final Build stage

// Kill builds script - Run on Debug
// Get the path of the project and strip off the project name

Dim projectPath as String = ProjectShellPath
// replace any “/” with empty string to fix path
projectPath = Replace(projectPath,"","")
'print projectPath
dim pa() as string = split(projectPath,"/")

// now remove the last item (Project name), leaving the project folder items as an array
// Now create a string which holds the project folder
dim projectFolder as String = join(pa,"/")
'print projectFolder

Dim appPath As String = ProjectFolder + “/”“Builds - HH.xojo_project”""
Dim cmd As String = "rm -Rf " + AppPath
print appPAth
print cmd
Call DoShellCommand(cmd)

// Kill debug script - run on both Debug and Build
// Get the path of the project and strip off the project name

Dim projectPath as String = ProjectShellPath
// replace any “/” with “”
projectPath = Replace(projectPath,"","")
'print projectPath
dim pa() as string = split(projectPath,"/")

// now remove the last item (Project name), leaving the project folder items as an array
// Now create a string which holds the project folder
dim ProjectFolder as String = join(pa,"/")

// Get the app’s name from the IDE
dim DebugAppName as String =“HH.app”

// Strip off .app if it’s there and append “.debug.app”
DebugAppName = Replace(DebugAppName,".app","") + “.debug.app”

// Replace any spaces in the name with '"
'DebugAppName = Replace(DebugAppName," “,”\ ")

// Make the full path
dim AppPath as string = ProjectFolder + “/” + DebugAppName
'print appPath
// Make the remove command
dim cmd as string = "rm -Rf " + AppPath

// Execute it
Call DoShellCommand(cmd)