HIDAPIDeviceMBS platform differences

I am using HIDAPIDeviceMBS to find and get data from a barcode reader.
By the docs, this class should work xplatform, but while I can detect and read mostly successfully on macOS*, the same implementation will not allow message retrieval on Windows.

I tried Read with NonBlocking = True and ReadTimeout.
*On macOS that works, although if a look into device.Error it will tell me “hid_error is not implemented yet”.
On Windows, I get a “access denied” instead when reading.
I used to have an old implementation with WinHIDMBS that used to work but hoped I could use the same code xplatform. Is this not possible? Any ideas why access could be denied?

Sorry, difficult to say from here what you do wrong.

Never mind. I handled it now by using WinHIDMBS for windows exclusively. Here I can run into an “Access denied” error from time to time too, but I can handle that by stepping through more NextDevices until connection succeeds.
Which I cannot with HIDAPIDeviceMBS.Enumerate(vendorID, productID) as this gives me only one device. Maybe it’s a Windows specialty with the barcode reader set to HID mode which showed me an alert once too saying that the reader could not be installed correctly.