Help Menu... Search menu item


Using Xojo 2015R41 on a Mac Mini (Late 2012) macOS Sierra version 10.12.2 (16c67).

In a new project I inserted a new Menu and I named it “Help”, I added a few menuitems and when I run or compile it and selected the “Help” menu, a menuitem named “Search” appears.

I really don’t want that “Search” menuitem, how can I prevent this from happening?



try to add a space after help in the name of the menu ?

Thanks Jean-Yves,

Works great.

Thanks again.


However, your app is no longer Apple HIG compliant

Roger, I am sorry, but I see nothing in the macOS HIG that prevents removing search from the help menu.

Apple forgot it.

Why don’t you want the search menu item? It’s an useful tool to let the user identify where is a menu command and you have to write nothing to let it work.

OK, Michel, then let me put it another way. Your Mac app will not look and perform like every other Mac Desktop App that’s on my computer and, I would guess, most user’s computers.

OK then,

It may be better to name it something other than "Help ".


Come on Roger, the fact that search is not present in the help menu does not change the rest of the app. Actually, I am even sure every user is aware of it and use it.

If you care to read the HIG, they are not rules and taboos, like in a dogma, but rather, as precisely what they are : guidelines to make apps easier to use.

I often suggest reading the HIG precisely because they are more an inspiration than a penal code. No need to terrify anybody with them.

My God, Michel. How did this evolve into a battle. I simply made the observation that every Mac app I use has this Search item under the Help Menu. Where did I “terrify” anybody? Maybe a chill pill is in order here.

Lennox Jacob wrote 1 hour ago:

It may be better to name it something other than "Help ".
What is the name of the Help menu in your Finder ?

I haven’t come up with an appropriate alternative as yet. I already have “Miscellaneous”

Ever tried typing “ze” in that search box? None of the suggestions have z in it.
How useful is that search menuitem?


[quote=306499:@Lennox Jacob]Ever tried typing “ze” in that search box? None of the suggestions have z in it.
How useful is that search menuitem?[/quote]
Do you know what the Search menu is for?

Have no idea.

  • You can search for menu items in the application.
  • If an Apple Help file is installed for the application it will show the help pages containing the text typed into the search field.

found this…

Never used it before.

So then , If an Apple Help file is not installed in the application then is it more-or-less useless?


I echo some of the notes above.
Having come from a Windows background, I open the help menu, type something into Search like ‘Undo’ or ‘format’ or somesuch.
I get no help at all about the program I am using at the time.
(Been like that since I started with OS8 , and still catches me out now and then.)
I can believe that one or two apps would deliver something useful from an Apple help file, but my experience is its more misleading than helpful.

The search field in the help menu assists you in finding menu items, it’s not a help doc search.
Why anyone would intentionally hide it is beyond me. It’s super helpful, and I know I use it.

Like really, you are going out of your way to make the user’s experience more difficult.
What the hell?

It is (besides showing the menu items containing what the user types in): If an Apple Help file is installed for the application it will show the help pages containing the text typed into the search field.