I am trying to read sensor data from Tinkerforge Himidity Bricklet in my Xojo Desktop App.
There is a pretty good Documentation, about how I can do this by a TCP/IP request.
The following example shows how to call the get_humidity function of a Humidity Bricklet with UID "b1Q" (Base58) or 33688 (integer). The corresponding request packet has
UID 33688 as uint32 (0x98 0x83 0x00 0x00),
Packet length 8 as uint8 (0x08),
Function ID 1 as uint8 (0x01),
Sequence number 1 and response expected 1 as uint8 (0x18) and
Flags 0 as uint8 (0x00).
and an empty payload. Its hex dump looks like this:
0000 98 83 00 00 08 01 18 00 .. ......
So till now, I can connect to the Brick by TCP socket and get a first response of the attached SensorUIDs.
I have the SensorUnitID as integer and the FunctionID as well as integer.
How can I create and send such a request (98 83 00 00 08 01 18 00) ?
Whitch functions can convert the IntegerUID to 0x98 0x83 0x00 0x00 ?
May someone can give me a hint in which direction I have to search?
Thanks in advance