Having fun with Xojo

Running Platform
Windows 8.1
Xojo 2014r3.1
Akoya 2in1 laptop

1. How to Paste an image into a field (Help window: F1
First of all, for some reason, make a screen shot. (save it to disk using Paint).

Run Xojo, Copy the offending,Text (here Picture) Press F1, Paste

Where’s the fun ?

Doh ! You pasted the image in the Location field of the Language Reference…

2. Why Apple ported the Finder on Windows ?
And while I am at it, go to Options… (in the Edit Menu), click in the Building Icon and read the first entry (Reveal apps:):
Since when there is a Finder in Windows ?

More than 100,000 users, tons of alpha, beta testers, etc. and none of these persons ever saw that in two years ?

3. Happy birthday Xojo
Sorry to be late by some days.

Yes, please explain why you didn’t told us two years ago? :wink:

[quote=194831:@Emile Schwarz]Running Platform
Windows 8.1
Xojo 2014r3.1
Akoya 2in1 laptop

1. How to Paste an image into a field (Help window: F1
First of all, for some reason, make a screen shot. (save it to disk using Paint).

Run Xojo, Copy the offending,Text (here Picture) Press F1, Paste

Where’s the fun ?

Doh ! You pasted the image in the Location field of the Language Reference…

2. Why Apple ported the Finder on Windows ?
And while I am at it, go to Options… (in the Edit Menu), click in the Building Icon and read the first entry (Reveal apps:):
Since when there is a Finder in Windows ?

More than 100,000 users, tons of alpha, beta testers, etc. and none of these persons ever saw that in two years ?

3. Happy birthday Xojo
Sorry to be late by some days.[/quote]

Emile, relax, and update your software. What are you still doing with this antiquated 2014R3.1 ?

What you describe for the LR happens if you drag the picture file into the window. But that is the way ALL Html browsers work. Besides, it takes someone really strange to drag pictures in there.

The options/build first item reads “Show build apps in Explorer when done building” in 2014R3.2 up until 2015R2.2.

As for the 100,000 users, tons of alphas and beta testers, all it takes is ONE NICE USER who instead of dishing Xojo takes three minutes to report a slight lexical oversight to correct “finder” in “desktop” or “explorer”. Whom you are apparently not. You get what you bring in… Fortunately, someone else was more constructive…

Thank you for your answers.

Sasha: I was (and still) do not be a tester. I’m just someone who tries to do things with Xojo.

2014R3.1 ? Because it was the installed version and obviously, I do not update it to 2015r1 (my last valid license version).
Why are-you talking about html browser ? Why are-you talking about draging an image there ?
For unknow reason, my Text copy was not working (if I keep have the image in the Clipboard…) and that was the text I wanted to paste there.
Last sentence: typical Michel answer. No comment.

I am very gratefull for each of my users who reports an issue instead of “just” relying on my Beta Testers. :wink:

AND, i just wanted to make a joke with my first post. Please let’s all be nice :slight_smile:

[quote=194831:@Emile Schwarz]2. Why Apple ported the Finder on Windows ?
And while I am at it, go to Options… (in the Edit Menu), click in the Building Icon and read the first entry (Reveal apps:):
Since when there is a Finder in Windows ?

More than 100,000 users, tons of alpha, beta testers, etc. and none of these persons ever saw that in two years ?[/quote]

We (Germans) have a word "Korinthenkacker’ which just went through my mind … :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
(Is there an English translation?)

[quote=194848:@Axel Schneider]We (Germans) have a word "Korinthenkacker’ which just went through my mind … :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
(Is there an English translation?)[/quote]

I just Googled “Korinthenkacker”. What a fantastic word!

In English, “Jobsworth” would come close. From the response - “I can’t do that - it’s more than my job’s worth” when you want someone to do something that’s not explicitly written in their job description…

I too.

Unfortunately, some never answer (and you never saw [or recall to check] the changes) or are aggressive telling they never do errors ;-:slight_smile:

Last time I shared an application (for free) I stated that I will be happy to get error, bugs, missing, … reports.

Getting an application better pleased me.

BTW: did you know what word looks like Emile ? Smile !

[quote=194854:@Richard Brown]I just Googled “Korinthenkacker”. What a fantastic word!

In English, “Jobsworth” would come close. From the response - “I can’t do that - it’s more than my job’s worth” when you want someone to do something that’s not explicitly written in their job description…[/quote]
At least around here, the phrase, “That’s above my pay grade,” comes close to the meaning.

[quote=194831:@Emile Schwarz]Running Platform
Windows 8.1
Xojo 2014r3.1
Akoya 2in1 laptop

2. Why Apple ported the Finder on Windows ?
And while I am at it, go to Options… (in the Edit Menu), click in the Building Icon and read the first entry (Reveal apps:):
Since when there is a Finder in Windows ?

More than 100,000 users, tons of alpha, beta testers, etc. and none of these persons ever saw that in two years ?[/quote]
Here is 2014r2.1 which clearly says Explorer:

So maybe 100,000 users didn’t see it in two years because what you see wasn’t there.

found this

That is a great phrase Axel. Per a quick Google search:

urban dictionary: Korinthenkacker
Noun, German. Literally, a raisin crapper. Someone who is so obsessed with nitpicking and petty B.S. that they spend all their time crapping raisins.

Kindergarten… come on…

I’d encourage everyone to report what they find regardless

But please do check it against the current release as we have fixed a lot of things in each release and the issue may no longer exist

Reporting bugs should be just as natural as reporting when there is no more paper in the toilets. It is not necessary to be a tester to be a good citizen.

[quote]We (Germans) have a word "Korinthenkacker’ which just went through my mind … :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
(Is there an English translation?)[/quote]

"Korinthenkacker’ is a very popular word among the German speaking faculty at UConn. Korinthen are particularly small and dark little raisins (from Korinth, Greece) and ‘kacken’ is literally taking a dump. So a Korinthenkacker produces many unpleasant but ultimately inconsequential droppings. When applied to a person, it references a pedantic, unpleasant nitpicker. Erbsenzähler (pea counter) is a the more polite equivalent in German.

University administrators tend to be Korinthenkackers.

In Dutch it’s ‘mierenneuker’ (literally ‘ant f*ucker’, pardon my French): a petty person who makes a pointless fuss about insignificant details or issues, a nitpicker

But what Emile reports, I wouldn’t call that. It’s just those small things that can make some program look unprofessional. Like doing a crappy translation of software. The software can be great, but for a native speaker, it appears amateurish.

I am sorry (to not check with the last version) and happy (that it was corrected).

Beside that, everything have been already said in this conversation.

We also have the Dutch word Krentenkakker, which sounds almost the same as Korinthenkacker.
(A krent is a dried grape (raisin de Corinthe))
The meaning of Krentenkakker and Korinthenkacker is the same. :wink:

Not correct, a ‘krentenkakker’ is a ‘penny pincher’ (‘vrek’ in Dutch)