I’ve written a little iPad app for a neighborhood organization. The main purpose is to collect email addresses from people who attend events.
Assume we have two iPads in use. Is it possible to have them talk to each other? The idea is to merge the data collected into one file.
The problem is that we can’t assume wifi will be available. So, a better way to ask this question: Can we have two iPads talk to each other apart from a network?
You could do worse than have them email ‘today data’ to a known email address in csv form and handle it manually later. (maybe encrypt it on the way if you are feeling security concious)
If you have no wifi, you cant get them talking live.
If you do have wifi, they can both push updates into a server-side database.
@Greg_O is possible to think on doing something similar but to connect not only MacOS devices with iOS devices, but also combine with Win and Androide devices all together ??
Sorry, I didn’t understand your answer @Greg_O . May be because of my limited english. I do noticed that you had created a solution for the Apple environmemt. What I am asking if you beleive possible to integrate also Android and Win devices to work all toghether in a single network sharing files under an unique Xojo solution