HandleURL Example code cited in Youtube Video but not in 2023 r3.1

There’s a video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poGUaw_rpn4 which references a piec of example code - which doesn’t appear to be present in the examples hsipping with 2023r3.1.

a) Does anyone know where I can find the example project shown in the video or
b) Can anyone identify which version of Xojo is used in the video, then maybe I an download that and find the code there.

Many thanks

a) I don’t know that this exists as an example project. Perhaps if you’re stuck you should ask about what you’re stuck doing so others may help clarify and get you back on track.

b) The version identified by the bottom right corner of the IDE was 2020r2.


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Many thanks. S

No problem, I also wanted to understand this example and wrote it.

ps. If my work is useful, please click “like this post” :grinning:

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