Graphics origin changed in 2015r4

So what exactly changed in 2015r4 in design mode for the Graphics Origin ?

And is it bug or intended change ?

I am getting controls all messed up in design mode.

I was going to try to help with the release notes, but there’s no 2014r4…

Try your version number again.

Seems to me that its just Graphics.DrawPicture that does not respect the Origin any more that has been set. While everything else does.

Added bug case on it:
42282 - Graphics Origin not respected in Design mode

[quote=242682:@Tim Parnell]I was going to try to help with the release notes, but there’s no 2014r4…

Try your version number again.[/quote]

Good catch I updated the version number, of course its supposed to be 2015r4, thanks.

You’ll find the release notes for 2015r4 over in the new section:

According to the release notes, nothing was changed for Graphics Origin :confused:

Yes its obviously a bug since it only applies to DrawPicture, not DrawLine, DrawText, etc.


for the next time: use feedback to get the release notes.

Easier to get it !

And you can save it !!!