Here`s an implementation of the Google Encode Polyline algorithm in Xojo which is used to convert an array of coordinates into a single string.
Here`s a test suite to test your results: Interactive Polyline Encoder Utility | Google Maps Platform | Google Developers
You’re then able to create static map images with mapbox for example.
Protected Function encodePolyline(coordinates() as pair, usePrintserver as Boolean = false) as string
Var ret As String
Var oldLat, oldLng As Double = 0
For i As Integer = 0 To coordinates.Ubound
Var newLat, newLng As Double
If oldLat = 0 And oldLng = 0 Then
newLat = coordinates(i).Left.DoubleValue
newLng = coordinates(i).Right.DoubleValue
newLat = coordinates(i).Left.DoubleValue - oldLat
newLng = coordinates(i).Right.DoubleValue - oldLng
End If
ret = ret + encodePolylineLeg(newLat)
ret = ret + encodePolylineLeg(newLng)
oldLat = coordinates(i).Left.DoubleValue
oldLng = coordinates(i).Right.DoubleValue
Return ret
End Function
Private Function encodePolylineLeg(value as double) as string
Var s As String
Var base As Integer = 256 ^ 4
Var minus As Boolean = (value < 0)
If minus Then
value = -value
End If
Var x As Integer = value * 100000
If minus Then
x = base - x
End If
x = x * 2
If minus Then
x = (base * 2) - 1 - x
End If
While x > 0
Var y As Integer
y = x Mod 32
x = x / 32
If x > 0 Then
y = y + 32
End If
y = y + 63
//Self.charcodes = Self.charcodes + y.ToString + " "
s = s + Encodings.ASCII.Chr(y)
Return s
End Function