I’ve been going through Googles’ latest design guidelines and there’s definitely some tips and ideas that should probably get implemented for Xojo Web. https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/
[quote]Disable user-select on UI which Responds to Touch
Some mobile browsers will select text if the user long presses on the screen. This can result in a bad user experience if the user accidentally presses down on a button for too long. You can prevent this from happening using the user-select CSS property.
-moz-user-select: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;[/quote]
Override Default Browser Styles for Touch States
Once you add styles for the different states, youll notice that most browsers implement their own styles to respond to a users touch, you should override these defaults when youve added your own styles.
The following page also handles a number of issues with touch and interaction
I would love to Xojo implement many of these design paradigms. I think Google is on to something here
Touch is already a huge thing, with 50% of devices under Android and iOS. But to be fair, it is already possible to detect portable devices and make the necessary adjustments in the UI.
What is still missing in Xojo WE is the long tap, used by portable devices to replace right click.
I just logged a feature request :
Long tap / Long press needed in WE
On portable devices under Android and iOS, the right click is emulated by maintaining the finger for half a second or so, in a “long tap” or “long press”.
Given the fact that over 50% of browsing is now done by such devices, it would be desirable to have that in Xojo Web Edition. Either as a separate event, or as replacement to ContextualClick.
[quote=148324:@Michel Bujardet]Long tap / Long press needed in WE
On portable devices under Android and iOS, the right click is emulated by maintaining the finger for half a second or so, in a “long tap” or “long press”.[/quote]
It’s one of those things where it makes sense to replace it as a contextualClick on mobile but at the same time is more powerful (yet more work) to allow it to be its own event to do whatever you want.
I’d hate having to program everywhere I use a contextual menu the addition of bringing it up in the longPress() event, but at the same time not being able to have this event available for other types of implementation would be a mistake.
Perhaps the solution would be if you implement the longPress event and return true it doesn’t present the ContextualMenu if it exists.