"Getting to know Git" webinar

Very nice job by Justin Elliott , looking forward to part 2!

Just in case you do not know, the Git Book is available as html and pdf.

They also exists in some other languages (French included html and pdf ).

All of these were found on a simple google search.

Thank you Emile.


For those who wanted more command line info review the cheatsheets here:



The webinar recording is now online:


Thank you for a very informative session on Git Justin.

I’ve been using Git for a while now on Windows withTortoiseGit. After watching the session and installing SourceTree, I’m definitely going to give SourceTree a try. Like the idea that it is also available on OS X. Fits in nicely with cross-platform development environments,

A question… I’ve got a few Git repositories and have been using the Xojo binary project for these projects. I know very well that the text format is better suited for source control systems but my question is…

If a project is save in the text format, will users that doesn’t have a professional (or any other relevant) Xojo license, still be able to open the project?

they can open it but not save in that format