GetFolderItem OS X IDE Debug

I seem to be running into a issue when using GetFolderItem when running a project on OS X IDE.

The following is to open a database and works fine on Windows IDE but fails on OS X IDE GetFolderItem(“Databases/BaseTimes.sqlite”)

The reason it’s failing is because of the .debug added to the end of the project name

GetFolderItem appears to be looking for the file here

Macintosh HD ? Users ? User1 ? Source ? Points Calculator ? Points Calculator ? Contents ? MacOS ? Databases ? BaseTimes.sqlite

It’s really here

Macintosh HD ? Users ? User1 ? Source ? Points Calculator ? Points Calculator.debug ? Contents ? MacOS ? Databases ? BaseTimes.sqlite

The compiled project works fine it’s only an issue in the IDE, am I doing something wrong?

that is the expected behaviour…

you could also try this

dim f as FolderItem

this should return your 2nd example path regardless of in IDE or compiled

[quote=160021:@Dave S]that is the expected behaviour…

you could also try this

dim f as FolderItem

this should return your 2nd example path regardless of in IDE or compiled[/quote]

Thanks thats the fix