Running Xojo 2017 R3 on Mac and Windows. This happens only on Mac when debugging. Same code on both machines. I choose a file and the GetFileOpenFolderItem does not close. When I get to a break point following this I can’t work with the debugger window. I have to move it over to a new OS window. This is new as I’ve been working with this app for over a year. Maybe a High Sierra issue?
Yesterday I was experiencing exactly the same.
Very annoying.
I’m on High Sierra too and using Xojo 2017 R3.
Also occurs for 2017R1.
A click to choose the file and a click into Open I guess ?
If so, did you try a double click in the desired file ?
Or the reverse !
This started when High Sierra was released.
El Capitan:
FireFox (latest), I just have that in Save dialog. A clik in Cancel, followed by a new save try was successful.
Not in Open, not with Xojo, but “similar” process/behavior.
I forgot to say that I changed the file name (Paste) and edited it a bit, then Press the Return Key, CLick and Cancel before a successful cmd-s.
That’s what I figured. On my Mac it’s easy enough to click the Run button in Debug and then move the windows off to another “Space” window.
I guess we’ll just have to wait this out.
I have several users who are reporting problems when my app uses an OpenDialog to choose a file. High Sierra fails to close the window and it’s spinning (non-beachball) busy wheel sits there, stuck. As a result, my app is stuck, too - waiting for a reply from the OpenDialog.
This is on a built app, not while debugging. The app is built with Xojo 2016r3, I never moved it up to 2017R1 or later because of printing problems in Windows. I may try a build in 2017R3 and see if the problem persists.
Does anyone know if there’s a solution to this? I’ve asked the users to send me their system logs, but I don’t know if that would show much.
Never heard about problems like this. Can the users reproduce the issues? Have you seen this?
You Xojo version may be too old. I’d try building the Mac version with 2017r3.
Is this with 32-Bit or 64-Bit?
Have you tried using OpenDialog instead?
Same behavior for me with 32 and 64 bit. Since this doesn’t happen on Win10 and since it’s new to High Sierra I’m not going to change to OpenDialog. What I might do is add some threading.
What my app does is opens a file and then runs some database operations. In the built app it seems to happen fast enough that no one notices. But when debugging the dialog sits there and I can’t see the code when it hits a break point.