I have an SQLite database included into my xojo project. I have created a webpage with a popupmenu and I would like to get the values from a table in my SQLite DB to show them when I select the popupmenu. I have created an ‘open’ event handler and I include this code:
[code]If DB.Connect = true then
Dim rs As RecordSet = DB.SQLSelect("Select StdServices.ServiceName From StdServices")
If rs <> nil and rs.RecordCount > 0 then
While not rs.EOF
Me.AddRow ("")
End if
End if[/code]
Where is the error in my code? Could anyone help me?
Dim rs As RecordSet = DB.SQLSelect("Select StdServices.ServiceName From StdServices")
if DB.error then
msgbox DB.errormessage
If rs <> nil and rs.RecordCount > 0 then
While not rs.EOF
Me.Addrow rs.Field("ServiceName").StringValue
End if
Open event should work. You can simplify the code as shown below since if there are no records (i.e. record count = 0) rs.eof will be set to true.
[code]If DB.Connect = true then
Dim rs As RecordSet = DB.SQLSelect("Select StdServices.ServiceName From StdServices")
if DB.error then
msgbox DB.errormessage
While not rs.EOF
Me.Addrow rs.Field("ServiceName").StringValue
I made one change where I removed the “DB” object from the project, and loaded it dynamically in the App.Open event. Works fine then. I do not add databases to my projects like you did so I’m not sure why it’s not working like you wanted.
Thanks Bob, It’s true, your example works perfectly. I am newbie with Xojo and I will study your example to connect to my database like you. I don’t understand why it doesn’t work selecting an existing DB but I’m sure that your option it’s better… and works.
You might find a subscription to my Xojo training videos to be useful. We have over 60 hours of Xojo videos (about 200 videos and most come with project files) at show a lot of how we do things in Xojo (been doing this for about 15 years). http://xojo.bkeeney.com/XojoTraining/. We have a couple of start to finish desktop projects and one complete start to finish web application.
Thank Bob, I have already seen your subscription to your training videos. The price is reasonable but in this moment I cannot do this spending maybe the next year. I think so that firstly it’s better I get to know Xojo to take full advantage of your subscription.