Get webpopupmenu values from SQLite DB

Hi everybody,

I have an SQLite database included into my xojo project. I have created a webpage with a popupmenu and I would like to get the values from a table in my SQLite DB to show them when I select the popupmenu. I have created an ‘open’ event handler and I include this code:

[code]If DB.Connect = true then

Dim rs As RecordSet = DB.SQLSelect("Select StdServices.ServiceName From StdServices")

If rs <> nil and rs.RecordCount > 0 then
  While not rs.EOF
    Me.AddRow ("")
End if

End if[/code]

Where is the error in my code? Could anyone help me?


Me.Addrow ("") adds a blank item

Me.Addrow rs.Field(“Whatever”).StringValue

Another possible error is that your SQL statement has an error and you don’t know it. rs will only be nil if there is an error.

[code]Dim rs As RecordSet = DB.SQLSelect(“Select StdServices.ServiceName From StdServices”)

if db.error then
msgbox db.errormessage

You should get into the habit of ALWAYS checking for the database error after every db action.

Thanks for your fast answer Bob but It doesn’t work.

I have a doubt, to launch this code, Do I need to include it in the ‘Open’ event or in 'ContextualMenuAction?

When I click on the popupmenu, I don’t get any value.

I have used this code now:

[code]If DB.Connect = true then

Dim rs As RecordSet = DB.SQLSelect("Select StdServices.ServiceName From StdServices")

if DB.error then
  msgbox DB.errormessage

If rs <> nil and rs.RecordCount > 0 then
  While not rs.EOF
    Me.Addrow rs.Field("ServiceName").StringValue
End if

End if[/code]

Open event should work. You can simplify the code as shown below since if there are no records (i.e. record count = 0) rs.eof will be set to true.

[code]If DB.Connect = true then

Dim rs As RecordSet = DB.SQLSelect("Select StdServices.ServiceName From StdServices")

if DB.error then
  msgbox DB.errormessage

  While not rs.EOF
    Me.Addrow rs.Field("ServiceName").StringValue

End if[/code]

Ok, I have changed the code with your comments. It doesn’t work yet.

I add an operator to evaluate the code but in debug mode when I click on the popupmenu, it happens nothing.

Better you see my example: DBTest

I don’t know If the problem is the SQLite DB. I don’t create the DB in Xojo, I select an SQLite DB existing in the same folder.

I made one change where I removed the “DB” object from the project, and loaded it dynamically in the App.Open event. Works fine then. I do not add databases to my projects like you did so I’m not sure why it’s not working like you wanted.

Thanks Bob, It’s true, your example works perfectly. I am newbie with Xojo and I will study your example to connect to my database like you. I don’t understand why it doesn’t work selecting an existing DB but I’m sure that your option it’s better… and works.

Thank you very much.

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Thank Bob, I have already seen your subscription to your training videos. The price is reasonable but in this moment I cannot do this spending maybe the next year. I think so that firstly it’s better I get to know Xojo to take full advantage of your subscription.

Thanks for all.


Sure, It will still be there whenever you can get to it.