Hello guys,
I want to create an app (desktop) that when I connect a mobile device (iOS or Android phone) by USB, my app must read IMEI, Carrier name, device model, GB ecc. Is possible with xojo?
Ciao Daniele,
Did you already tried with MBS plugin?
You could maybe use a MDM console
You can’t, Apple does not allow you to identify devices any more. UDID and mac address solutions have all been disallowed since iOS 7.
@Dave S but there are software like PhoneCheck that allow you to know these informations. http://www.phonecheck.com/why-us/
@Antonio Rinaldi Ciao Antonio, yes I tried MBS plugins, but nothing to do
[quote=392550:@Daniele Murabito]@Dave S but there are software like PhoneCheck that allow you to know these informations. http://www.phonecheck.com/why-us/
@Antonio Rinaldi Ciao Antonio, yes I tried MBS plugins, but nothing to do :([/quote]
Well all I can say is that every article I found, indicated that Apple blocked all the information as of iOS7
Most Applications use libraries.
Download and install the libimobiledevice is
Then trhough the Terminal get the information that you want to use.
ioanniss-iMac:~ ioannis$ ideviceinfo --simple
BasebandCertId: 3255536192
AKeyStatus: 2
SKeyHash: 7MQEUyvzG4gjjZc7KsNNAVTS8g4=
SKeyStatus: 0
BasebandSerialNumber: BXTWuQ==
BasebandVersion: 11.60.00
BoardId: 0
BuildVersion: 14G60
ChipID: 35152
DeviceClass: iPhone
DeviceColor: white
DeviceName: iPhone
DieID: 1302739262717213528
HardwareModel: N41AP
HasSiDP: true
ProductName: iPhone OS
ProductType: iPhone5,1
ProductVersion: 10.3.3
ProductionSOC: true
ProtocolVersion: 2
TelephonyCapability: true
UniqueChipID: 3124237016333
UniqueDeviceID: 2be2d6433b42b61
Thank you @Loannis Kolliageorgas and for Android devices?
I don’t use the Xojo to build app’s for android and iOS is by far the worst system to do that at last for me so I don’t have much information about the libraries…
One solution is the ADK from Google and the Android Debug Bridge (adb)
Other solution is the libusb and the Easy USB access from Python
Both above is generic access to USB devices.
Some debug information with ideviceinfo
ActivationState: Activated
ActivationStateAcknowledged: true
BasebandActivationTicketVersion: V2
BasebandCertId: 3255536192
BasebandChipID: 7278817
AKeyStatus: 2
SKeyHash: 7MQEUyvzG4gjjZc7KsNNAVTS8g4=
SKeyStatus: 0
BasebandMasterKeyHash: AEA5CCE143668D0EFB4CE1F2C94C966A6496C6AA
BasebandSerialNumber: BXTWuQ==
BasebandStatus: BBInfoAvailable
BasebandVersion: 11.60.00
BluetoothAddress: 4c:8d:79:60:a0:48
BoardId: 0
BrickState: false
BuildVersion: 14G60
CPUArchitecture: armv7s
CFBundleIdentifier: com.apple.Vodafone_gr
CFBundleVersion: 28.2.5
IntegratedCircuitCardIdentity: 89300500201259733415
InternationalMobileSubscriberIdentity: 202052974533901
MCC: 202
MNC: 05
CertID: 3255536192
ChipID: 35152
ChipSerialNo: BXTWuQ==
DeviceClass: iPhone
DeviceColor: white
DeviceName: iPhone
DieID: 1302739262717213528
EthernetAddress: 4c:8d:79:60:a0:49
FirmwareVersion: iBoot-3406.60.10
FusingStatus: 3
HardwareModel: N41AP
HardwarePlatform: s5l8950x
HasSiDP: true
HostAttached: false
IntegratedCircuitCardIdentity: 89300500201259733415
InternationalMobileEquipmentIdentity: 013426001861790
InternationalMobileSubscriberIdentity: 202052974533901
MLBSerialNumber: F3Y2455B2KFDWJGB
MobileSubscriberNetworkCode: 05
ModelNumber: MD635
auto-boot: dHJ1ZQ==
backlight-level: MTU0Ng==
oblit-begins: T2JsaXRUeXBlOiBPYmxpdGVyYXRlRGF0YVBhcnRpdGlvbi4gUmVhc29uOiB1bmtub3du
obliteration: aGFuZGxlX21lc3NhZ2U6IE9ibGl0ZXJhdGlvbiBDb21wbGV0ZQ==
PasswordProtected: false
PhoneNumber: My PHONE number
PkHash: wguKQOoMFsrCLtMrgu2YMM0rtSJ7ik4ia9YLIdt1ny0=
ProductName: iPhone OS
ProductType: iPhone5,1
ProductVersion: 10.3.3
ProductionSOC: true
ProtocolVersion: 2
RegionInfo: LL/A
SBLockdownEverRegisteredKey: true
SIMStatus: kCTSIMSupportSIMStatusReady
SIMTrayStatus: kCTSIMSupportSIMTrayInsertedWithSIM
SerialNumber: DNVJW0K0DTTP
0: 1
TelephonyCapability: true
TimeIntervalSince1970: 1529402137.046210
TimeZone: Europe/Athens
TimeZoneOffsetFromUTC: 10800.000000
TrustedHostAttached: false
UniqueChipID: 3124237016333
UniqueDeviceID: 2be2d6433b42b618b246fae046cb6e4bb4690c28
UseRaptorCerts: true
Uses24HourClock: true
WiFiAddress: 4c:8d:79:60:a0:47
kCTPostponementInfoPRIVersion: 0.1.74
kCTPostponementInfoPRLName: 0
kCTPostponementInfoServiceProvisioningState: true
kCTPostponementStatus: kCTPostponementStatusActivated
Hi all,
WEB App: Is it possible (and how) to identify the connected device as “mobile”, even if the browser is set to “desktop mode”?
thank you
Hi all,
is there an answer to my old question?
The answer to your old question is no. If a user chooses desktop mode the browser will just lie to you about what it is.
Next time, you may get a faster answer by starting your own thread.
thank you, I was hoping there was at least some workaround, like screen size or something else.
I’m not familiar with these things.
I found this post, looking for the topic in the forum.
I forgot I’d already asked the question.
That’s why I didn’t create a new post.