Get file in previous folder

What code do I need to set a file in a parent folder to a variable?

App is in the “/Test” folder and the item I need to access is in “/”

You could use
Dim f As FolderItem = GetFolderItem(“blah”)
Dim s As String = f.AbsolutePath

Then get rid of the last \test to have the path of the Parent to your app

I did this:

Dim f As FolderItem = GetFolderItem("").Parent Dim s As String = f.AbsolutePath f = GetFolderItem(s + "file I want")


Faster :

Dim f As FolderItem = GetFolderItem("").Parent.child("file I want")

Admitting the file is indeed above the folder where the app is installed.

[quote=260629:@Charles Fasano]I did this:

Dim f As FolderItem = GetFolderItem("").Parent Dim s As String = f.AbsolutePath f = GetFolderItem(s + "file I want")


Yeah dont do that
This gives you the same item

Dim f As FolderItem = GetFolderItem("file I want")

[quote=260632:@Norman Palardy]Yeah dont do that
This gives you the same item

Dim f As FolderItem = GetFolderItem("file I want")

No it doesn’t. The file doesn’t exist in the same folder as the app. It exists in the previous folder.

I need “/File.txt” not “/Test/File.txt” and the app is in “/Test”

See Michael’s response Norman’s response was to a quick read of the question :slight_smile: Parent & Child always confuse me so I just go with the path :slight_smile:
GetFolderItem always puts you in the app directory if you don’t include a path. So to back up 1 directory with the name of the file you’re trying to get is Michael’s method.

please don’t mess with AbsolutePath. Use Parent and Child functions.

I come from the old age when we used path, but Xojo made me embrace the notion of folderitem parent and child, because they are perfectly cross-platform. Besides, if I still want to see the path, it is just a shellPath away.