Get a property's attribute through introspection : Is it possible?

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to get a custom property’s attributes using the introspection class but I get an empty array.

What I want to do is to link the data I stored in an array to Web Labels by matching the their indexes and names. For exemple,

Database.table.fields() = “info1”, “info2”,…
Array() = (info1data, info2data,…)
Container1.WebLabels.names : “WLinfo1”, “WLinfo2”, … (Table field “info1” data has to be placed in the label WLinfo1 and so on) “pInfo1”, pInfo2" have attribute for each field called “fieldIndex” corresponding to the field index in the array

Exemple with Field “Info1”

1- I go through My container’s labels collection and I retrieve the name (“WLinfo1”),
2- I match the name with the property(“pInfo1”)
3- Finally, I want to get the “fieldIndex” attribute’s value (which would be 0 as the “info1” is the first value in the array) to pick the right data in the array …

but the attributes array is empty : (Dim propAttributes() As Introspection.AttributeInfo = Introspection.GetType(propList(j)).GetAttributes

Here is my code :

Dim propList() As Introspection.PropertyInfo = Introspection.GetType(WLSubToPopulate).GetProperties For j As Integer = 0 To Ubound(propList) If propList(j).Name = propertyName Then Dim propAttributes() As Introspection.AttributeInfo = Introspection.GetType(propList(j)).GetAttributes For k As Integer = 0 To UBound(propAttributes) If propAttributes(k).Name = "fieldIndex" Then Return Cint(WLSubData(WLSubCount, propAttributes(k).Value)) End If Next k End If Next j

So what am I doing wrong?

This line is in error. It is getting the attributes of the PropertyInfo object that refers to the property you want. Call GetAttributes on propList(j) directly:

Dim propAttributes() As Introspection.AttributeInfo = propList(j).GetAttributes

Right on! Thanks!