Hi everyone,
I’m trying to get a custom property’s attributes using the introspection class but I get an empty array.
What I want to do is to link the data I stored in an array to Web Labels by matching the their indexes and names. For exemple,
Database.table.fields() = “info1”, “info2”,…
Array() = (info1data, info2data,…)
Container1.WebLabels.names : “WLinfo1”, “WLinfo2”, … (Table field “info1” data has to be placed in the label WLinfo1 and so on)
Container1.properties: “pInfo1”, pInfo2" have attribute for each field called “fieldIndex” corresponding to the field index in the array
Exemple with Field “Info1”
1- I go through My container’s labels collection and I retrieve the name (“WLinfo1”),
2- I match the name with the property(“pInfo1”)
3- Finally, I want to get the “fieldIndex” attribute’s value (which would be 0 as the “info1” is the first value in the array) to pick the right data in the array …
but the attributes array is empty : (Dim propAttributes() As Introspection.AttributeInfo = Introspection.GetType(propList(j)).GetAttributes
Here is my code :
Dim propList() As Introspection.PropertyInfo = Introspection.GetType(WLSubToPopulate).GetProperties
For j As Integer = 0 To Ubound(propList)
If propList(j).Name = propertyName Then
Dim propAttributes() As Introspection.AttributeInfo = Introspection.GetType(propList(j)).GetAttributes
For k As Integer = 0 To UBound(propAttributes)
If propAttributes(k).Name = "fieldIndex" Then
Return Cint(WLSubData(WLSubCount, propAttributes(k).Value))
End If
Next k
End If
Next j
So what am I doing wrong?