Friday Xojo Hangout

[h]Topic: Friday Xojo Hangout[/h]
Time: Jul 10, 2020 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 852 5140 0248


This starts now!

@Jim Meyer : can’t stop laughing with these monkeys !

For those that missed the hangout and the link:

Dang. Missed it. :frowning: Maybe we should have something like this but for every Friday? Or one on Sat as well?

We do these Hangouts every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Come by any time you can!

Monday and Wednesday at 2 PM ET
Friday at 4 PM ET

Nice - how do I find the link for each meetup, or is it the same as listed at the top of the page?

And I’m assuming ET means Eastern Time? I’m a few hours off from your time zone, on the eastern coast.

Thanks for answering my questions.

Hey, Amy!

A new link is posted on the forums and via Twitter each day there’s a Hangout.

The post(s) include both the time of the Hangout as well as the timezone, as seen in the first post here:

Nice! I love the virtual hangout idea because otherwise I would have to travel an hour and a half one-way to get the ATL hangout.

[imagine a GIF of people cheering wildly]

I keep trying to make the time to go to one of the ATL meetups, but it’s over four hours one-way for me! One of these days I’ll make it.

OMG. Are you anywhere near Marietta?

We should have gone virtual a LONG time ago… and maybe having our tacos delivered via UberEats… would have been cheaper and easier to access.

We started doing the meetups 4-5 months ago and they have been really fun!

We added “Show and Tell” Wednesday’s, so if anyone has something they want to do a short demo of, we are all eager to see! Monday’s & Friday’s are casual, as you can see yesterday we talked a lot about neurological studies and animal behavior. :slight_smile:

I’m all the way up in Johnson City, TN. Quite a trek for me.

Wow wow wow

Okay. I get it now. -_________-
This should’ve been virtual a LONG time ago.

But we can’t have tacos in the virtual meeting without a lot of coordination. :wink:

[quote=496004:@Dana Brown]We started doing the meetups 4-5 months ago and they have been really fun!

We added “Show and Tell” Wednesday’s, so if anyone has something they want to do a short demo of, we are all eager to see! Monday’s & Friday’s are casual, as you can see yesterday we talked a lot about neurological studies and animal behavior. :)[/quote]

LOL well you could just have easily called it End User Behavior… same diff.

Uber Eats, my good man… it’s the best.

I used to deliver for them and my best shifts were 4am pizza runs from a shop by the Airport. One time they gave me a pie so big it almost could not fit inside my car. That, and midnight Chinese food deliveries to university students studying overnight. I’ve had some of my best tips fr students.

So y’all could’ve theoretically scheduled UberEats nights… while I would have simply opened my door and walked 150 feet to the restaurant that I live next door to, and ordered takeout.

I live right next door to one of the best taco places in town. :blessed:

So, yeah… I guess I’ll be seeing y’all Monday or Wed.