Fred Roller speaks at ATL Xojo Users Group - 9/14/15

Hello Xojo enthusiasts!

Please join us for this Xojo monthly meeting! We promise that you’ll learn something new at each meeting!

Who: Everyone interested in developing in Xojo!
What: Monthly Meeting
Where: Las Palmas Mexian Restaurant , 2210 Holly Springs Pkwy, Holly Springs, GA :: 770-720-0062
When: Monday, September 14th, 2015 – 6pm to 9pm
We are very pleased to announce that Fred Roller from Annapolis MD, long time Xojo developer and entrepreneur, will be giving this months presentation in person! His focus will be Xojo Web Applications with emphasis on best practices for design, development and cross-platform commercial deployment. Attendees will receive a Xojo Web Application, source code and installers for Windows, OS X and Linux. The highly interactive presentation will give beginners a foundation to build on and experts a few tips to better their design, development and deployment.
Speaker Bio:
Fred Roller has been developing database centric business software and providing ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) consulting services for decades. While in college, he started his first business developing medical management systems. From there it evolved to providing enterprise class financial and ERP systems. His development tools have varied greatly over the years with Xojo as the primary since 2007.

We’ve got the latest Xojo news, reviews and announcements.

I hope to see you there!

Good news Atlanta I will be able to make this one! See you there.

Awesome! See you there!

Awesome Kevin!

If you’re in the Atlanta area, I hope you can stop by and attend.