FREAK Attack

Here we go again.
Sometimes it feels like we need to be paranoid.

I tested the vulnerability over here:

On my OS X 10.10.2 Chrome is safe, Firefox is Safe, Safari isn’t.

Does anyone know how many goats it will cost when I need to upgrade my XOJO license?

2 Goats and 4 Pigs.

4 Pigs? I don’t think I like this new pricing structure, 4 pigs seems a little steep.

Pigs are too valuable in this economy. After all, they are made out of bacon.

Ok, seeing as how it’s you - 2 Goats and a three-toed-sloth.

Why are you guys hijacking the thread?

I had to chuckle at
What does it all mean?
You might think this is all a bit absurd and doesn’t affect you very much. In a strictly technical sense you’re probably right. The client bugs will soon be patched (update your devices! unless you have Android in which case you’re screwed). With good luck, servers supporting export-grade RSA cipher suites will soon be rare curiosity.

That wasn’t a hijack. It was a live freak attack demo.

Unless you were smart and got a Nexus device :slight_smile:

That wasn’t my conclusion - that was in the blog post you referred to :slight_smile:
Not sure WHY he cam to it - I just found it funny

Everything else I’ve seen suggests that Chrome is not vulnerable on any platform

[quote=172576:@Norman Palardy]
Everything else I’ve seen suggests that Chrome is not vulnerable on any platform[/quote]

Chrome VERY is vulnerable on Android devices.

I’d seen a few posts and articles from computerworld & a few other sites that would lead me to believe it wasn’t.
However the site does list it and several others as vulnerable.

Fun times :slight_smile:

Microsoft announced today Windows in vulnerable to this too.

Has anyone seen any updates? So far we have seen very little protection come as updates.

Apple’s shipped theirs for OS X and iOS

Oh? For iOS do I just get employees to download that via the system update?

I am the only one who uses OS X at the office, so do I just get that from the automatic system updates?

Thanks Norman

Just DONT install Xcode 6.2 as that will break your ability to build iOS apps
It’s easy enough to revert though

Oh snap. Thanks for the info.

Of course coming into work this morning, first thing I did was run the updates, then go to the forum.
Hence the warning came after I already installed it.
Typical :slight_smile:

Haha Dirk, same here :wink: