We updated Formatted Text Control to version 3.1.5 today and is a free update to all licenses users.
FTC is a full featured word processing control written in 100% native Xojo code. It has several viewing modes, allows inline graphics, inline hyperlinks, imports and exports to RTF, the ability to add cross platform spell checking, and much, much more. Demo’s, pricing, and more information at http://www.bkeeney.com/formatted-text-control/
Version 3.1.5 Change List:
The TextAreaRTF.GetSelectedRTF function now properly returns the last StyleRun.
RTFLexer now reads upper and lowercase hexadecimal values properly now.
Fixed Mac OS X issue where the Candidate Window didnt show properly if the cursor was at the end of the last paragraph.
Fixed a couple of deprecated items.
Prepared for Xojo 2014 R3