Fooling around with internet

After reading an entry here, I was fooling around trying to get the html source for a web page and get the example in the actually deprecated HTTPSocket:

[code]Dim http As New HTTPSocket

MsgBox “html source:” + EndOfLine + EndOfLine + http.Get(“”, 30)[/code]

My question is about what I get (below), how to replace that missing character (?) with an EndOfLine:

<!doctype html>?<html>?<head>?    <title>Example Domain</title>??    <meta charset="utf-8" />?    <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />?    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />?    <style type="text/css">?    body {?        background-color: #f0f0f2;?        margin: 0;?        padding: 0;?        font-family: "Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;?        ?    }?    div {?        width: 600px;?        margin: 5em auto;?        padding: 50px;?        background-color: #fff;?        border-radius: 1em;?    }?    a:link, a:visited {?        color: #38488f;?        text-decoration: none;?    }?    @media (max-width: 700px) {?        body {?            background-color: #fff;?        }?        div {?            width: auto;?            margin: 0 auto;?            border-radius: 0;?            padding: 1em;?        }?    }?    </style>    ?</head>??<body>?<div>?    <h1>Example Domain</h1>?    <p>This domain is established to be used for illustrative examples in documents. You may use this?    domain in examples without prior coordination or asking for permission.</p>?    <p><a href="">More information...</a></p>?</div>?</body>?</html>?

Of course, the source with FireFox appears with an EndOfLine (whatever it is) either when I ask for the source (displayed in FireFox) or saved to disk…

I changed the used Font from System to Times New Roman, but I still get the chars as above.
A Copy / Paste / ReplaceLineEndings / ReplaceAll does nothing too.

I am curious: what have I done wrong ?

You haven’t set an encoding on the string. Try:

html = DefineEncoding(html, Encodings.UTF8)

Thanks Greg. I was on the corect path… I searched it in HTTPSocket, not that one.

BTW: the “wrong“ character seems to be $0A, Chr(10). :frowning:

That’s it !

Better ask one who say than ten to search ! :wink:

[quote=456780:@Emile Schwarz]Thanks Greg. I was on the corect path… I searched it in HTTPSocket, not that one.

BTW: the “wrong“ character seems to be $0A, Chr(10). :frowning:

That’s it !

Better ask one who say than ten to search ! ;)[/quote]
It’s not “wrong” per se. it’s just that without the encoding, it’s ambiguous. Normally stuff from the internet has Windows line endings, that is, chr(13)+chr(10). Without the encoding, it can’t tell what to do with those bytes.

My brain was in “minimum service” (run slower that usual) :wink: