FirewallPort - Available for use outside of Cloud??

Hello all,
Is there any plan for FirewallPort to become available for use outside of the Xojo Cloud? As in UPnP??? This would be really really really helpful!


[quote=75352:@Tim Seyfarth]Hello all,
Is there any plan for FirewallPort to become available for use outside of the Xojo Cloud? As in UPnP??? This would be really really really helpful!
No as it actually talks to the middleware that we run on the Xojo Cloud servers that actually do the opening of the port
UPnP would be something else entirely

Hi Norman,

Thanks for the rapid response. Can you tell me the middleware you are using?

Literally - what we wrote for running the XojoCloud services

Thanks again Norman.

This looked interesting since I have been searching for UPnP to work with RS/Xojo and although there are some solutions (Thomas Templeman did one for MAC) there are currently none for all three major OS’s.

Thanks again for the response Norman.

[quote=75372:@Tim Seyfarth]This looked interesting since I have been searching for UPnP to work with RS/Xojo and although there are some solutions (Thomas Templeman did one for MAC) there are currently none for all three major OS’s.

I have been searching for UPnP too, as not found I had to write my implementation on C++ with miniupnp, with emphasis on the client (add,remove forwarding ports on IGD) maybe we could do a plugin for rb/xojo, how about that?

Hi Bernardo.
That is pretty much the functionality I need - For Windows and Linux first, MAC second.