Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed

Here’s a Build Script I use, after the build. to clear out the detritus before code-signing. I have never tested this with ARM builds.

  // build script to clean out detritus before signing 
    Sub DoShell(cmd as string)
      dim errCode as integer
      dim timeOut as integer = 30000 ' 30 seconds
      dim err as string =  doshellcommand (cmd,timeOut,errCode)
      if errCode <> 0 then
        print "Error " + str(errCode)  + endOfLine + err
      end if
    end Sub

    dim app as string
    app = CurrentBuildLocation +"/" + chr(34) + CurrentBuildAppName + ".app" + chr(34)

    // clean out detritus
    dim cmd as string
    cmd = "xattr -rc " + app
    DoShell cmd
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