Fastest was to save and restore listbox contents? JSON?

Currently I’m creating a String from listbox rows and columns, where I add column-delimiters and row-delimiters.
To re-populate the listbox, I split rows and columns into arrays, using those delimiters.

I wonder if it would be more speedy to save and reload from JSONItem strings?

I saw this contribution of Kem and now I’m stuck getting the JSONitem back into the listbox:

[quote=172827:@Kem Tekinay]Do you mean, is there some built-in function for this? No, you’d have to write the code yourself.

The easiest common format is JSON, so I’d recommend that. Maybe something like this:

Function ToJSONItem (Extends lb As ListBox) As JSONItem
  dim root as new JSONItem

  dim lastRow as integer = lb.ListCount - 1
  dim lastCol as integer = lb.ColumnCount - 1
  for row as integer = 0 to lastRow
    dim rowJSON as new JSONItem
    for col as integer = 0 to lastCol
      rowJSON.Append lb.Cell( row, col )
    next col
    root.Append rowJSON
  next row

  return root
End Function

(This is off the top of my head and not tested.)[/quote]

This works fine so far.

I’m scratching my head on how to get this back into a listbox. The documentation is not helpful on this.

root.count is giving me the number of listbox rows then, but how do I know the number of ‘columns’ of each row and how do I access those?

Can anyone give me a hint on how to go back from JSON to listbox?

The fastest way is

dim s as string = listbox1.cell(-1,-1)
listbox1.cell(-1,-1) = s

Thanks Tim, this looks striking :slight_smile:

I have a situation where listbox contents gets temporarily saved in a database (all contents in one field) and at the same time it is possible that the number of columns may be altered in the meantime. So when reading back in, I have to validate the columns.
Also I have checkbox columns and I wonder if this would automatically work with your suggestion.

I’ll hit the road now and will give it a try later today.

Tim is right, that’s the fastest. If you want more control, you can use something like JSON to store other properties, like column widths, for example.

(I am going to be doing a session on data serialization and JSON at XDC.)

To answer your question, a JSONItem can work either like an array of variant, or like a Dictionary. In either case, the values it holds can be one of: nil, a number, a string, a boolean, or another JSONItem.

In the example, I gave, the “root” JSON worked as an array, and every element of the array was another JSON that also worked like an array. To pull the values out, you’d navigate it exactly as you would an array of arrays (only possible in Xojo with a variant array where each value is another array).

So, where “root” is the JSON that holds the data:

dim lastRow as integer = root.Count - 1
for row as integer = 0 to lastRow
  dim rowJSON as JSONItem = root( row )
  dim lastCol as integer = rowJSON.Count - 1
  for col as integer = 0 to lastCol
    lb.Cell( row, col ) = rowJSON( col )
  next col
next row

(Again, off the top of my head and not tested.)

Thanks a lot Kem, this is very useful for me. Very much appreciated!

No problem.

BTW, because any string can be stored in JSON, there is nothing stopping you from putting the entire Listbox contents into a single value. For example:

dim j as new JSONItem
j.Value( "Name" ) = "MyListBox"
j.Value( "ColumnCount" ) = 10
j.Value( "RowCount" ) = 20
j.Value( "Contents" ) = lb.Cell( -1, -1 )

You get the idea.

[quote=173088:@Kem Tekinay]No problem.

BTW, because any string can be stored in JSON, there is nothing stopping you from putting the entire Listbox contents into a single value. For example:

<…> You get the idea.[/quote]

Right. I was using JSON already from dictionaries, but I just felt insecure on how to use like an array. Seeing an example has helped, once again.

I love JSON, but it can get very slow. A 1.2mb file can take a couple of seconds to load.

If you want speed, either SQL or a binary format.

Do you remember that it was said years ago that .InsertRow is faster than .AddRow ?