Expedition to Andernach

Our monkey made a trip to Andernach to show you how nice it looks there and what to expect when you visit our MBS Xojo Conference.

Let’s start in the Roman park area behind the hotel:

Down at the Rhine is a little beach, where we can spend some time watching ships go by:

Mountains on the other side in the background.

The park along the Rhine has a fountain:

The Mariendom church is an 800 year old basilica and used to belong to the bishop of Trier:

The edible city shows everywhere, e.g. with the vineyard here behind the bank:

This big tower belongs to the city wall:

And now you see that all of this is close together. Standing on the beach with the tower and the hotel in the background.

We hope to show you this in person next year at our conference!


I like the Photo in the Roman park area the most. Because the Ape looks like a giant in it. :slight_smile:


Everything is empty, is it working only for Germany? I see it points to a “probably non existent” website.de


I can see the photos (France, 3KM from the German Border: Strasbourg)

Looks like your DNS blocks my domain?

You can try to read blog post directly: Expedition to Andernach

Doesn’t make sense “blocking”. But some DNS problem from all the route from your DNS publisher to the DNS server of my network, including it, makes.

Whatever problem was occurring, it ceased. Now it shows. Other MBS domains where working, only the .de was failing in that period.