Expanding Xojo With New Technologies

Hey everyone,

I’ve been toying with the idea of starting a blog series on my website focused on expanding Xojo with different technologies. For example going beyond the typical SQL options for backends. At my company, we’ve had some great success using Pocketbase as a backend for many of our apps. Pocketbase offers features like built-in user creation and authentication, and because it’s API-based, it works seamlessly across all Xojo platforms.

I’m curious: would this be something you’d be interested in reading about? Are there any other alternative backends/technologies you’d like to see explored in this series?

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and suggestions!



Do you Desktop, Mobile and Web ?
(Web: they say so in their web page… others ?)

All you need is URL Connection to make requests to pocketbase. So it should work on Web/Desktop/Mobile. It’s a pretty great tool to use. Before we had to develop our own APIs. Now with pocketbase we just need to configure the “collections” (aka the tables) and pocketbase handles all CRUD api operations automatically.

** To be more clear we don’t have any production Xojo web or mobile apps using pocketbase. We mainly use Xojo for Desktop solutions and react native/react for mobile and web. We do have a Program that has a Xojo Desktop, React Web, React Native Android/IOS apps all talking to the same pocketbase instance seamlessly.

If you don’t want to start up your own blog for this, I’d get in touch with @Alyssa_Foley and maybe make some guest posts on the Xojo Blog. Sounds really useful.


That would be a much better approach. I’ll try talking to Alyssa and see if that’s possible.


Anthony is right, I’m always interested in guest posts for the Xojo blog! Reach out to me at alyssa@xojo.com.