.exe Package for Windows Store

I am trying to add my app into the Windows Store. It’s a WIN32 app.
After submitting the .exe installer (created with Inno), the reviewer rejected it with this reason:

Technical requirement policies Notes to publisher Security - Package Submissions Win32 products must install silently. For more details see the Installer parameters section at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/publish/msiexe/provide-package-details

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Install the product using any declared installer parameters.
  2. Product has an install wizard open and loads before installing the product

Tested devices: Dell Latitude 7480|

The declared installer parameter is /SILENT
This still shows the Wizard window, and that is something they do not want, so it seems.
Is there a code to be added in the setup of INNO so it does not show the wizard and just installs everything?

Did you try with /VERYSILENT instead ? You can combine it with /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES

Documentation for parameters

I would start from scratch, making MSIX.

Though I went from Innosetup and had the MSIX generated from that then it creates complications and is somewhat of a mistake.

I would now start from scratch using the free Advanced Installer Express.

See also this thread here, where the venture of getting approved in the Windows store is covered.

I basically have after I got approved in the Windows store re-made my install using the Advanced Installer Express to make MSIX package. (So next time I have to update the app I would submit that)

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This seems to do the job. I have now resubmitted the app. Will see if this is good enough.

Are you going this route? Upload app packages - Windows apps - EXE | Microsoft Learn


As far as I understood, this route just lists your app in the store, and you must host the .EXE in your servers, and you also should take care of the signing yourself (buying a certificate, etc). Is it what you want?

In the MSIX route, MS will store the MSIX, and sign it by the store.
That’s why this seems to be a better option for most cases.

Yes, I am aware this is the case.
And I codesign my Windows apps for years now. Still have a certificate valid until 2026.