I’m writing a tool for comparing Excel files, similarly to how my Arbed tool works for comparing Xojo projects.
There’s currently no editing, so it’s mainly about showing Excel sheets as closely as possible to how Excel shows them.
It uses the MBS LibXL plugin (requires a separate purchase) but no other MBS plugins. It’s written in plain REALbasic / Xojo code (runs on 2012r2.1 and later).
It’s based on a GridControl, again written in plain Xojo code (no plugins used). The plugin control is similar to a Listbox Control, with the extra feature that each row’s height can be individually specified (ListBoxes only let you choose the column sizes individually). And it doesn’t store the data for you - instead, you have to implement the CellPaint event where you’d draw your text. This makes it fast and possible to handle any number of rows and columns (ListBox is limited to 255 columns, BTW).
Here’s a current comparison of mine vs. Excel’s rendering: http://files.tempel.org/RB/ExcelView/TTsVsExcel1.png
A video showing selection handling and scrolling: http://files.tempel.org/RB/ExcelView/TTsExcelView1.mov
The source Excel file is here: https://www.destatis.de/DE/Themen/Querschnitt/Statistische-Wochenberichte/wochenberichte-bevoelkerung-xlsx.html
A video showing the GridView, with its selection features, goto and reveal (which only scrolls as little as necessary to make the cell visible), and scroll performance with 100s of visible cells: http://files.tempel.org/RB/ExcelView/TTsGridView1.mov
I haven’t decided what to do with them yet. I’ve spent a few long days on this, and wonder if Xojo users have a need for these classes as well. If so, I’d consider offering them with source code licenses (at least $100 for the GridView and twice as much for the XL view as it stands now).