Evaluating - how can there be no DataGrid

when you want to update the listbox (with datas from a database for example) as soon as you release the scrollbar.

i see… you mean, show say 100 item first and when scrollbar move, when release, get the next 100 items

@Karen Atkocius Thank you…I appreciate the tips. I’m probably expecting too much from Xojo in this regard and lamenting the fact that I don’t have a robust native grid control that doesn’t require a lot of work to implement. Xojo is an excellent, powerful development tool in so many regards…how they missed the boat on this one can only be answered by their developers. A “RAD” tool like Xojo should have a grid control where each cell is an object that can contain other objects such as checkboxes, dropdowns, pictures, or frankly another grid control if that’s was you wanted to do. For now, I’ll be content to use PoiDog’s implemtation and move on with my life! :slight_smile:

I absolutely love this Xojo community and it’s one of the many reasons to forge ahead and master Xojo!

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Last time I checked, the LR says nothing about how to expand the Listbox properties.

Adding a paragraph with an example (say how to insert/Delete a Column while running the application) will open the developer’s brain to a brand new world with Listbox.

If you do not know how to use the Tab key, you can try (using a monospaced font) to fake it, but how many time wasted to get true aligned coluns in a word processor ! :frowning:
And I do not talked about Tab styles (right, decimal, centered, etc. styles).