Error on Mac OS High Sierra

Hi, i am having some problem with the above error on my client’s MacBook pro with High Sierra.

Running the program on the Mac with Yosemite and that message does not pop up at all. i got the error when i start the app.

clicking on quit close the app but clicking on continue does not do anything except leaving the icon on the dock.

Do anyone experience this error before and what does it actually mean???

running the same app on my machine iMac with High Sierra work perfectly find.

i try setting permission to the folder and it still does not work

What version of Xojo are you using? Are you using any declares? CFURLGetFSRef is a deprecated API.

Also it doesn’t surprise me that it works on some and not others as I had a feeling that the High Sierra (and Sierra) before was doing a crap job of updating the macOS and leaving behind older files, sometimes totally incompatible files, which cause all kinds of weird shit.

i am using Xojo 2017r3 to compile the program for the client.

i even create a new user with admin right and run the program and still got the same error.

let me check if i use the CFURLGetFSRef in my code

just check the code the project file and CFURLGetFSRef was not found in the code at all.


i do use some mbs and einhugur plugins

how did i found out what plugins use the CFURLGetFSRef??

In the “worst case”, excessive logging to System.Log may tell you when/where it is happening.

Never though of looking into the console for the system log file

Well, CFURLGetFSRef could be used for a function which needs FSRef.
If the URL does not point to a file, this function may fail.
And I really hate the fact that Xojo uses asserts for that as this is common to fail.

[quote=391100:@Christian Schmitz]Well, CFURLGetFSRef could be used for a function which needs FSRef.
If the URL does not point to a file, this function may fail.
And I really hate the fact that Xojo uses asserts for that as this is common to fail.[/quote]

should i look for FSRef in my code??

no, but if you could log all folder items and see where it crashes.

Or when you see dialog use sample process command in activity monitor to know where it happens.

[quote=391164:@Christian Schmitz]no, but if you could log all folder items and see where it crashes.

Or when you see dialog use sample process command in activity monitor to know where it happens.[/quote]

my program read some external sqlite file when opening the application. maybe one of the files are causing problem.

Please file a bug report with the app as a private attachment so we can diagnose it. This shouldn’t be able to happen. The more details on the report, the better.

will file a report tomorrow.