I need to add a “global“ Enlarge (A) / Shrink (a) styled text displayed in TextArea.
I completely forget how to do it.
I get an eye on the documentation and it seems that is a complex task (for desktop):
copy the RTFData into a MemoryBlock
loop the MB and modify the Size value
once done, apply the new RTFData.
Is-it correct ?
PS: speed does not matter as the text is not large (1K-5k ?)
In my app RealCADD, I can resize (Enlarge and Shrink) styled texts.
Create a styled text, select it and call “Action” → “Redimensionner”.
Can you test and say me if it is what you want ?
I looked into my code to remember what I’d done.
It is simple.
RTFData of a StyledText looks like this :
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil Helvetica;}}{\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;\red255\green0\blue0;}\uc0 \f0\fs36 Essai de \cf1\fs54 texte\cf0\fs36 avec des \fs42 tailles\fs36 \fs108 diff\u233 rentes\fs36 et des \i\cf2\fs72 styles\i0\cf0\fs36 .}
Sizes are defined by code “\fs”.
Loop into it and change the values :
For example :
ScaleRTFData(previousDATA As String, cZoom As Double)
#pragma BackgroundTasks False
#pragma BoundsChecking False
#pragma NilObjectChecking False
#pragma StackOverflowChecking False
Var mStr As String = previousDATA
Var mStr2, mStr3 As String
//Changement des tailles de caractère : code "\fs"
Var i, j, k, k2, k3, k4 As Integer
k = mStr.CountFields("\fs") - 1
for i = 1 to k
k2 = mStr.IndexOf(k3, "\fs") + 3
//Test si ce n'est pas //fs
mStr3 = mStr.Middle(k2 - 4, 1)
if mStr3 = "\" then
//Ce n'est pas un code de taille de font
mStr2 = mStr2 + mStr.Middle(k3, k2 - k3)
//Recherche de la fin du code de taille
k3 = mStr.IndexOf(k2, " ")
k4 = mStr.IndexOf(k2, "\")
if (k4 < k3) and (k4 <> -1) then k3 = k4
j = Val(mStr.Middle(k2, k3 - k2))
j = Round(j * cZoom)
mStr2 = mStr2 + Str(j)
end if
next i
mStr2 = mStr2 + mStr.Middle(k3, mStr.Length - k3)
Return mStr2