Encoding einer Datei herausfinden

Ich habe hier eine Datatorm-Datei von einem Windows-PC, ich habe wohl “fast” alle Encoding-Settings ausprobiert, die Umlaute verwandeln sich zwar fleiig in andere Zeichen, aber halt nie in Umlaute. Was soll das denn fr ein Encoding sein? Oder ist das gar kein Encoding, sondern was selbstgebasteltes?

A;N;40100120;00;Keramag WT Joly Ablageflche rechts;m Hahnloch ohne berlauf 600x340mm wei;1;0;S;36100;BG33;401;;
A;N;40100126;00;Keramag WT Joly Ablageflche links;m Hahnloch ohne berlauf 600x340mm wei;1;0;S;36100;BG33;401;;
A;N;40100132;00;Keramag Wand-Tiefspl-WC Joly;wei;1;0;S;62700;BG33;401;;

OK, habs herausgefunden, leider kann das Xojo wohl nicht direkt konvertieren…

OEM is the acronym for “Original Equipment Manufacturer”. IBM introduced the IBM PC in 1981. Along with it came their version of an expanded character set. It’s been known as the OEM character set ever since. In fact, that character set is still the default for the Windows Console Device on the very latest version of Windows.

The first 128 characters are identical to ASCII. However, IBM decided to use the remaining 128 characters for other purposes. They defined them for the most common accented characters, line drawing characters, and special symbols and punctuation. Of course, this was an improvement, but many characters in non-English languages were unavailable. This led to new OEM character sets (German, Cyrillic…), with many different interpretations for that second set of character codes. Of course, this caused a good amount of confusion trying to understand the contents of strings from an external source. Not an ideal solution.

Code page 437 is the character set of the original IBM PC (personal computer), or MS-DOS. It is also known as CP437, OEM 437, PC-8, or MS-DOS Latin US.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_page_437 shows all the glyphs and their Unicode equivalents. So you could write your own replacement method to convert it to UTF8.

Ja, bin dabei (-; muss nur die Umlaute und das konvertieren…