Emoji module

I had a need for this, so hopefully it’s useful to one other person…

Module that returns an array of emojis… Written in Xojo 2016r4.1 using the new framework (Text not strings)… Briefly tested on Mac OS X 10.10 and Windows 10 (the flags didn’t show up for me)…

Usage is simple: DIM emojis() As Text = Emojis.Activities() returns an array containing the emojis that you can display…

Download https://git.shaosean.tk/shaosean/EmojiPicker-Xojo

There’s a small test window that displays the emojis in a grid in a listbox… Clicking on an emoji will display it in a message box…

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Nice and simple thanks!

Very nice.

Works on Xojo 2015r1 (AFAIK).

Also: the Emojis have names, but I do not know here (and how) to get them.

Some years ago, I build (using AppleScript on Mac OS) a rtf file with available emoji (from Unicode values). No name too.

I prefer yours.

I had looked at using a dictionary so I could have the names as well, but they I decided it was too much work for my needs… All the names are in the source code, so you could do the work if you really need it…

I updated the project to include the following picker palette that you can use in your projects…
Download https://git.shaosean.tk/shaosean/EmojiPicker-Xojo

Nice !

Another addition for oldsters and disabled people: add a Emoji (text) size selector.

Just change the font size (and column count) of the listbox…

Yes, thank you.

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

Anyone got the emoji module and could reupload it? It seems no longer to be accessible at the given location …
