I have ventured into trying to use dictionary again. Using some of the email example I can write email info into a dictionary 'ReceivedMessages ’ and can verify in debug that emailmessage are being placed in there. I have a method that has the following parameters id as integer, email as EmailMessage
Then I place various aspects of this email message into a ListBox including this
MessagesList.Cell(MessagesList.LastIndex, 0) = str(id)
The last thing I do is this
// Add this to the Email Received Dictionary
ReceivedMessages.Value(id) = Email
When you double click in the Listbox the message is displayed in another window. The window contains several ‘Labels’ for From, To, Date… and a ‘TextArea’ where I place the message. There are non printable ASCII Characters which I have determined are Line Feed-Carriage returns (10 & 13). I have tried several ways to have this displayed correctly but have not been able to figure that out. Any suggestions would be welcomed. Thanks