I need help for transparency picture
I’m using einhugur plugin pictureeffect
with the demo shapedistort i would have a picture with transparent oval inside.
But nothing works. einhugur said me this.
[i][b]Your supposed to draw the mask before you distort
So its like
Create your picture and draw into it.
Draw its mask
Distort picture
Distort mask of the original picture (using same distort method as you used on your image)
Apply the distorted mask to the Distorted picture by doing MyImage.Mask = MyDistortedMask.
Draw your picture (it will draw with the defined transparency)
I am trying many solutions but I’m wrong. I have always a white oval but not transparent.
I write here the code
[code] Dim pg as PolygonF
MyImageLocation = new PointF()
frame = NewFrame.VecNorm(MyImageLocation)
effect = new ShapeDistortEffect()
effect2 = new ShapeDistortEffect()
function effect // plugin pictureeffect einhugur
// create image in runtime
//replace the Dimmuborgir image
dim pic,MyDistortedMask as picture
pic = new picture(200,200,32)
// color all pic in red
pic.Graphics.ForeColor = &cFF000000
pic.Graphics.FillRect 0,0,200,200
// add white oval ( i would like is transparent when draw it )
pic.Graphics.ForeColor = &cFFFFFF00
pic.Graphics.FillOval 100,100,50,50
pic.mask =pic
/// apply effect /////////////////////////////////////
MyImage = effect.Apply(EnsurePictureBits(pic,32),frame)
MyDistortedMask = new picture(200,200,32)
// color all pic in red
MyDistortedMask.Graphics.ForeColor = &c00000000
MyDistortedMask.Graphics.FillRect 0,0,200,200
// add white oval ( i would like is transparent when draw it )
MyDistortedMask.Graphics.ForeColor = &cFFFFFF00
MyDistortedMask.Graphics.FillOval 100,100,50,50
MyDistortedMask = effect2.Apply(EnsurePictureBits(MyDistortedMask,32),frame)
MyImage.Mask = MyDistortedMask
//MyImage.Mask = NewPicture(MyImage.Width,MyImage.Height,32)
//MyImage.Transparent =1
pg = NewFrame.VecNorm(new PointF(0.0,0.0))
if someone know this example