Einhugur DateControl and CalendarControl chrashes Xojo 2019R2.1

If I create a new project in 2019R2.1 and drop a DateControl or a CalendarControl into a window Xojo crashes on macOS platform. Other platform are not tested.

(Xojo: Account Login)]DateControl 8.0.0
(Xojo: Account Login)]CalendarControl

APIv2 version of them or normal version or both ?


APIv2 version only

Yea I just tested. I think from first test they changed how DateTime is constructed maybe. I am not 100% sure though.

[quote=463991:@Horst Jehle]If I create a new project in 2019R2.1 and drop a DateControl or a CalendarControl into a window Xojo crashes on macOS platform. Other platform are not tested.

(https://xojo.com/issue/58347)]DateControl 8.0.0

These don’t work. Try:


TimeControl too, again APIv2 version only. I reverted to the latest non-APIv2 version and it works fine.

It is something related to constructing DateTime on macOS only it seems. I have not pinpointed 100% yet to be able to report to them what it is. The Windows API2 seems to run for me at least.

typedef REALobject(*DateTimeNow_Proc)(void);
REALclassRef DateClassRef = REALGetClassRef(“DateTime”);

DateTimeNow_Proc dateTimeNowFunc = (DateTimeNow_Proc)REALLoadSharedMethod(DateClassRef, “Now As DateTime”);

dateTimeNowFunc will now return NULL That is the cause.

So in short Xojo has either broken loading of Shared Methods, or broken DateTime.Now in IDE mode.

Either way we will be stuck until they fix this.

DateTime.Now has been changed to take optional time zone also.

So I think I can fix on my end by adding that parameter as NULL. So probably not Xojo bug per see just Xojo change. I will report back.

The new DateControl (and older TImeControl) are working for me.

TimeControl should be fine yes.

And CalendarControl with adapted API for r2.1 will come today or tomorrow (more likely tomorrow).

Then all controls will be covered that were affected by their change in DateTime.Now

This should now be resolved for all controls or plugins from us as far as I know.