Dynamically resize a webdialog

Hi Everybody.

I am trying to resize a webdialog. Let’s say it is called mydialog

        Dim myD As New MyDialog
        myD.Height= 250

The problem is that when I do that the “black” semi-transparent area behind it also resizes. It just looks weird. If I do a smaller dialog then it is ok, If I resize after the show, it is the same

        Dim myD As New MyDialog
        myD.Height= 250

I need to hide some components and resize the dialog on the fly but the back should not be affected. How can I do this? is it possible?

And here is an image that I hope does not confuse more than it helps

If anybody is interested.

I could not figure out the resize issue but I kind of cheated by reducing the size of the box and just hide some items on it or show them as needed.