dynamically created iOSTable event handler

I have created an iOSTable dynamically. Where can I put the code to be executed on an Action event handler for that table?

You should use AddHandler to route the event handler to a method of your choosing. It would look something like this:

AddHandler MyiOSTable.Action, AddressOf MyMethod

MyMethod should defined like this:

Sub MyMethod(sender As iOSTable, section As Integer, row As Integer)

My code:

AddHandler resolutionTable.Action, AddressOf setResolution

Sub setResolution(sender As iOSTable, section As Integer, row As Integer)
resolutionTable.Visible = False
End Sub[/code]
gives an error: Syntax error End Sub

[quote=224928:@jean-paul devulder]

hit only the code resolutionTable.Visible = False[/quote]

I don’t understand what you mean.

Remove End Sub